Marti Martienssen, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
Marti has 30 years experience as a Director and Administrator in healthcare organizations in Albuquerque, New Mexico. After completing her BA at Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio and her MBA at the University of Cincinnati, she taught business and accounting a community college on the Navajo Reservation in northern Arizona. Upon entering the healthcare field, she worked as the Director of Accounting for University of New Mexico Hospital. Transitioning into hospital operations, she functioned as an Administrator for the Lovelace Health System, and later, within the Presbyterian Healthcare System. She has performed as a Quality New Mexico examiner, which is based on Baldrige criteria. Most recently, she served as the Director of Practice Operations for the Adult Inpatient Medicine Service at Presbyterian Hospital. In that role, she was instrumental in creating and implementing the unit-based care model; successfully streamlining operations and reducing costs. She has presented nationally on the subject, most recently at the Premier Break-Throughs Conference.
David J. Yu, MD, MBA, FACP, SFHM
Principal Advisor
Dr. Yu received his BA from Washington University in St. Louis, and his medical degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. He finished his Internal Medicine residency at Northwestern University and has a MBA from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln/Gallup University with emphasis on physician leadership. Dr. Yu is board certified in Internal Medicine and in Hospice and Palliative Medicine. He has a broad range of experience in the field of hospital medicine, from starting up a new hospitalist program to managing one of the largest single-site hospitalist programs with 49 FTE hospitalists and 8 FTE nurses performing over 18,700 discharges per year. Dr. Yu is a recognized leader in the field of unit-based care and patient flow, and has published numerous articles on the subject in The Hospitalist and Today’s Hospitalist. He has also served on the editorial board of The Hospitalist, Today’s Hospitalist, and Hospitalist News. Dr. Yu is a Senior Fellow in the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) and has served as a SHM Annual Meeting Faculty Member, SHM Webinar Presenter, and National SHM Committee and Task Force Member. At the 2012 SHM Annual Meeting, Dr. Yu was awarded first place in the Innovation Oral Abstract Presentation on “Lean Unit Base Care Model.”